Instant Translator (Translate) Pro

Download Instant Translator (Translate) Pro

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Turn your device into a translator conversations multiple languages. Download Instant Translator (Translate) Pro in Apps Communication

Turn your device into a translator of conversations between different languages, so you can break the barrier of the language in your conversations with foreigners, in your travels, holidays... or just practice a language.

Translate text or voice of quickly and easily among more than 90 languages, only have to write a text or to pronounce a sentence and you can see and hear your translation quickly. With the online translator InstantTraductor can communicate in multiple languages and free of charge.

- Free language translator.
- Simple and easy to use interface.
- Instant translations.
- Translation of text between 96 languages.
- Translation of voice among 40 languages.
- Audio playback of the translations.
- Copying and pasting fast text to the Clipboard.
- Upload and share your translations by email, WhatsApp, Telegram...
- App translated into multiple languages.

Languages supported for translation:
Arabic, chinese, english, french, german, indonesian, italian, japanese, korean, persian, portuguese, russian, spanish, thai, turkish, vietnamese... and many more languages among which you can practice your translations to break the barrier of the language among all the available languages.

This application is free but it is necessary that your device have Internet connection (Wifi, 3G, 4G, LTE) to connect to the server and perform translations between multiple languages.

How can download Instant Translator (Translate) Pro

You Can Download Instant Translator (Translate) Pro from this links :

android Download APK v9.9 Original adb Download APK v9.9 MOD shop Get on Google Play update Versions valiables

What is new in version 9.9

New in version 9.9 Instant Translator:

- Source code optimization.
- Improvements in connection with the translation servers.
- Greater efficiency in translations (response time)
- Correction of small errors.