Download POEMate APK MOD

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open_in_new Evgheni Obrucicov
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Unofficial Path of Exile Skill Tree app. Download POEMate APK MOD in Games Role Playing

This is unofficial Path of Exile Skill Tree app.
It allows you to create builds for any Path of Exile character and share them with a build link.
It include full jewel support for jewels with radius, this include modifying tree in radius according to jewel rules.
You can enter your gear totals for life, mana and energy shield and see exact values for Max Totals, Regen and Leech Cap.
You can specify your weapon and main skill type and see combined totals for all relevant stat increases like damage, crit, attack or cast speed etc
You can select your main skill gems and see your total cost to cast, csts per second and how much seconds you can sustain this.

How can download POEMate APK MOD

You Can Download POEMate APK MOD from this links :

android Download APK v1.6.01 Original adb Download APK v1.6.01 MOD shop Get on Google Play update Versions valiables

What is new in version 1.6.01

3.23 skliltree
Affliction Ascendancies support.