Download mourjan Pro
Save you time looking for Job, Apartment, Car, you name it, mourjan has it. Download mourjan Pro in Apps Shopping
mourjan app is a free classifieds application that connects Sellers with Buyers directly without any hassles. with mourjan you can browse and search in thousands of ad listings in various categories like jobs, real estate, used cars, services, furniture, pets, and pretty much anything that comes to mind.
mourjan app is a time saver and a must have app if you are looking for a job or an apartment to rent/buy or looking to change your car or maybe just looking to find a good deal on used furniture or smart phones.
On the other hand, If you are not looking but want to sell a house, a car or hire someone with specific skills or maybe sell your Labrador puppy as soon as possible then mourjan app is the right choice for you. You can post a free ad and start receiving calls within minutes.
*mourjan app power features:
- Add searches to your watchlist to receive notifications of new ad listings so you don't miss out a good deal.
- Add ad listings to your favorite list so you can access these ads anytime and anywhere with or without internet connectivity.
- Add personal notes to each ad which should help you remember acquired details that were not mentioned within the ad text.
- Display of latest call logs/history between you and the ad publisher (If found) below every ad to help you recognize which publishers you have previously contacted regardless of the announcement.
**mourjan app features:
- browse and post free ads in all Arab countries like Lebanon, Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Syria, Oman, Morocco, Algeria, Iraq, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen, and Libya.
- directly call/email advertisers with a single touch.
Finally, mourjan app is developed by the link Link is Here team who is devoted to providing world class solutions and services for the Arabic user. Therefore, please let us know your opinion / feedback and help us improve our services to your own benefit.
How can download mourjan Pro
You Can Download mourjan Pro from this links :
android Download APK v4.0.5 Original
adb Download APK v4.0.5 MOD
shop Get on Google Play
update Versions valiables
What is new in version 4.0.5
- Fix for some app crashes
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