90 ثانية APK MOD

Download 90 ثانية APK MOD

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Landed device over your head and guess words with the help of friends Download 90 ثانية APK MOD in Games Word

90 seconds fun game possible play with your friends at any time and any place,
Try to know as many of the existing device Elly Anzhrva over your head words
Through the signs of your companions who Anarafha before misses time information and

: The game features
.alab with one or more of your friends -
.har score on Facebook -
.allabh where 4 kinds of Elly possible Tkhmnha words -
- Images are your friends and Mahtasan.

: Types of words
- Films
- Animals
- Countries
- People
- European

! For all who play and people love laugh with their friends ... the game DVD to complement

90Sanya is the ultimate family / fun game for your friends and family! You can play 90Sanya anywhere or
 anytime with your friends and family.

Try to guess as many words as possible in 90Sanya before the time runs out!

Place the device on your forehead and try to guess the correct word when the other players try to give you hints and clues about it!

How can download 90 ثانية APK MOD

You Can Download 90 ثانية APK MOD from this links :

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What is new in version 1.3

دلوقتي ممكن تصور فيديو لاصحابك و هم بيحاولو يحلوها في ٩٠ ثانية.