First Aid - IFRC Pro

Download First Aid - IFRC Pro

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Red Cross / Red Crescent Download First Aid - IFRC Pro in Apps Education

Save lives, be a hero. First Aid in your pocket.

Simple. Free. It can save lives.

The official IFRC First Aid app gives instant access to the information you need to know to handle the most common first aid emergencies and safety tips for crisis situation. With interactive quizzes and simple step-by-step everyday first aid scenarios, it’s never been easier to learn first aid.

■ Engaging and active learning, allowing you to see and track your progress, build your knowledge, and increase confidence in your skills and ability to assist in emergencies.
■ Safety tips including water safety and road safety to help you prepare for emergencies.
■ Preloaded content means you have access to all information at any time, even without a cellular or WiFi connection.
■ Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you can share with your friends and share your lifesaving knowledge.
■ Improved multi-lingual capability regardless of the user’s location.
■ Linkages to your local Red Cross or Red Crescent on-site and online training.
■ Fully integrated with emergency numbers (such as 911, 999, 112, and others) so you can call for help from the app at any time, even while traveling across borders.

How can download First Aid - IFRC Pro

You Can Download First Aid - IFRC Pro from this links :

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What is new in version 4.1.2

New features have been added to support first aid learning and emergency use.