اذاعات مصر - البرنامج العام Pro

Download اذاعات مصر - البرنامج العام Pro

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open_in_new Phantom Softwre
This content for Everyone

Sports, General Program, Middle East, Quran ((Internet needs)) Download اذاعات مصر - البرنامج العام Pro in Apps Entertainment

It works via the Internet
The program contains many local Egyptian radio stations, as well as local radio stations for all countries of the world
And news and sports broadcasts such as Al-Jazeera, BBC, Al-Arabiya and others
Local Egyptian radio stations such as the Holy Quran from Cairo, the general program, youth, sports, Maspero, the cultural program, and Voice of the Arabs.
Thousands of radio stations you will find in the program and the list is always updated

Supports recording from stations and files are saved in the main memory in a folder
"Radio Egy"
 Supports setting alarm for automatic operation of the station

 Supports automatic stop after a period by setting a countdown timer from within the player

 To ensure the best operation, it is recommended to update the program to the latest version always
The program consumes about 30MB of internet package in the full hour
Do not forget to share the program with your friends
If you have a request or a problem, leave your opinion on the program page or our Facebook page
Phantom Software
Or send us an email

If you see a problem, promptly report it to be resolved immediately
    This app is free software licensed under
  the GPLv3 link Link is Here .

How can download اذاعات مصر - البرنامج العام Pro

You Can Download اذاعات مصر - البرنامج العام Pro from this links :

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What is new in version 80

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