MinSundhed Pro

Download MinSundhed Pro

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open_in_new sundhed.dk
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Log in with MitID and access your health information in MinSundhed. Download MinSundhed Pro in Apps Medical

MinSundhed has been developed for citizens over the age of 15 who want an overview of and easy access to the healthcare system and their health information.

The app displays a selection of your personal health information, which can also be found on link Link is Here . If you have authorization to view health information for a relative, you will also be able to see your relative's health information in the app. It is not possible to view children's health information in the app.

You can e.g. see your test answers and compare them with previous test answers. You can view your hospital records and have medical terms translated, making the doctor's notes easier to understand.

You can add private notes to your health information so that notes relevant to your health are gathered in one place.

You can also use the app to find practitioners, emergency care and current health services near you.

Please be aware that the app is not a treatment tool and that the responsibility for treatment lies with your attending physician. If you have any questions about your treatment, talk to your doctor.

Work on developing the app's functions is ongoing. You can help make the app better by answering the questionnaires that are continuously shared via the news in the app.

By downloading the app, you accept the Terms and Conditions. To use the app, you must log in with MitID and accept the consent.

MinSundhed was developed by link Link is Here for the Danish Regions.

See terms and conditions for MinSundhed: link Link is Here

How can download MinSundhed Pro

You Can Download MinSundhed Pro from this links :

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What is new in version 2.1

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